Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Dino pee? Yes

So take a second and think how logical this is.  Why did dino's pee?  They drank water, they drank it from some source; river, lake, pond, somewhere.  Then it came out and landed on the ground.  The water then permeated through the ground.  From there it evaporated out of the ground or a plant used it, or it ends up in some underground water collection.  Then back to a river, or water vapor and then condenses into a cloud, or back to a plant or animal, and then into a lake and then evaporated and then to the ocean and then...  The water cycle process isn't much like a circle, it is a here and there and then back over here then there and back over there.
    The other thing we need to remember is that you can't get rid of water.  When you boil water does it disappear?  No the water that was in the pot is now water vapor in the air.   Water is matter that can not be destroyed it just changes stages.

Enjoy drinking that dinosaur pee.
(of course it is not the exact same, but the water particles are the same.)


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